If you wish to arrange a bouquet of flowers to collect from the shop or for local delivery in East Anglia, please contact us or call in our shop.
Similarly if you would like to discuss wedding flowers, funeral flowers or flowers for parties and corporate events we welcome your call to arrange a visit.
Tolly's Flowers 6 Rous Road Newmarket Suffolk CB8 8DL Tel: 01638 668805 Mobile: 07979 841943 Email: tollyconsidine@hotmail.comMonday - Friday: 10.00am - 4.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am - 3.00pm
Sunday: By appointment only
If you have any enquiries please email tollyconsidine@hotmail.com.
Please note: For immediate flower requirements, please telephone the shop on 01638 668805.
Tolly's Flowers is situated just off Newmarket High Street. From the clock tower direction take the first turning on the left into Rous Road. If you are travelling from the A1307 into the High Street then take the last turning on the right before the clock tower.
Limited time car parking is available opposite the shop, alternative parking can be found in Rous Road car park approx 100 yards from the shop.